The Peter Ash series by Nick Petrie (Nicholas Petrie) features Peter, a war veteran with PTSD who has troubles reintegrating into the community. Peter is a complex and intense character who served in Iraq and Afghanistan and returned home with a serious case of claustrophobia, which he calls “white static.”
That’s why he can’t stay indoors for more than a few minutes at a time, so he takes long camping trips and hiking trips to keep himself sane.
The series currently includes three books, with the latest one published in 2018.
Peter Ash Series
- The Drifter, 2016
- Burning Bright, 2017
- Light It Up, 2018
The action-packed Peter Ash thriller series has compared to the Jack Reach series by Lee Child himself, who mentioned that “Lots of characters get compared to my own Jack Reacher, but Petrie’s Peter Ash is the real deal.”
Peter is still trying to rebuild a simple life after the horrors of several tours abroad. He is a drifter who can’t stay long in the same place or be indoors for long periods of time.
He is a troubled former platoon leader and Marine lieutenant who is more complex, whose layers are slowly revealed as the series progresses.
The Peter Ash novels are a great addition to books featuring returning war veterans who are trying to find their place once again in the society and not quite making it. The books are roller-coaster edge-of-your-seat type stories that will keep you occupied for many hours at a time.
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