Captain Jake Mahegan by A.J. Tata is a military thriller series featuring Jake “Chayton” Mahegan, a former Delta Force team leader whose mission ended badly, leading to his dismissal from service.
The series started in 2015, so it’s a relative newcomer to the genre, and it currently includes four books, with the latest one released in 2017. A fifth book will be released October 2018.
Captain Jake Mahegan Series
- Foreign and Domestic, 2015
- Three Minutes to Midnight, 2016
- Besieged, 2017
- Direct Fire, 2017
- Dark Winter, 2018
The author of the Jake Mahegan series A.J. Tata served as a Brigadier General in the U.S. Army after he graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1981.
The AJ Tata works include the Mahegan books as well as his Threat military thriller series. Some people have likened his writing style to that of Tom Clancy.
Jake Mahegan is a dishonored man. He has led his Delta Force team into doom through a failed mission in Afghanistan to capture an American traitor working for the Taliban that ended in disaster and tragedy.
Now, all Captain Jake Mahegan wants to do is find out what exactly happened during that mission. Next, in the second book, he is searching for the man who raped and killed his mother while he was just a little boy.
And in each subsequent book, the huge and almost invincible hero, Jake, takes on enemies that most others would shrink away from.
In Dark Winter, Jake’s new task is to locate and shut down the dark cyber hacker operation before it’s too late for America. Before WWIII begins. Before it’s too late for the entire world.